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Popular Events

A Play, A Pie and A Pint
A popular feature of the Traverse programme, A Play, A Pie and A Pint, Òran Mór returns in March 2025.
Riot Reveals Cabaret
Riot Reveals Cabaret is heading to Leith Depot on 14th March to bring you a night of magic, stand up comedy, burlesque, live music and drag!
SIAF Holi Celebrations
Join the Scottish Indian Arts Forum at Saughton Park Bandstand on Saturday 15th March to celebrate Holi 2025!
Reuse, Renew Exhibition
This exhibition, at Out of the Blue Drill Hall, showcases artworks created by participants of the Room for Art workshops, a programme dedicated to supporting health and wellbeing through creativity.
John Grant
John Grant brings UK and Ireland tour to The Queen's Hall Edinburgh on Friday 17th October!

Popular Listings

Corn Exchange Haddington Edinburgh Playhouse Festival Theatre Edinburgh Howden Park Centre Livingston Kings Theatre Edinburgh National Museum of Scotland O2 Academy Edinburgh The Brunton Theatre, Musselburgh Traverse Theatre Usher Hall