The International animated shorts programmes celebrate extraordinary animation from around the globe, showcasing a dizzying range of styles, techniques, genres and ideas.
READ MOREEverything from kid-friendly classics to family foreign language and the latest blockbuster releases, Take 2 screenings at Glasgow Film Theatre will keep even the littlest film fans entertained!
READ MOREThe 10 anniversary of Dark Days, a participatory event where 100 people spent the night in Glasgow's Gallery of Modern Art, is being celebrated at this special film screening and talk!
READ MORE2025 will be a big year for Glasgow as we celebrate the city's 850th birthday. It's a milestone and everyone who has or does call Glasgow home is invited to the party!
READ MORETreat the Goose to your Maverick this Valentine's with a special date night screening of the classic Top Gun (1986) in the New Lanark Film Theatre!