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Health And Wellbeing Events in Renfrewshire and Inverclyde
Here's a selection of Health And Wellbeing Events you can find over on our sister site, What's On Renfrewshire:
Physio Led Antenatal Pilates
9th January 2025 - 9th January 2026
Grace Ferguson Pilates will launch an antenatal (pregnancy) Pilates class on Thursday evenings in Paisley at the lovely SANA Yoga & Massage from January 9th.
The first of the Spring Series of Scottish Arts Trust Concerts is taking place on Friday 4th April, featuring Don Paterson & Graeme Stephen, two of Scotland’s leading guitarists!
Following on from International Women's Day on 8 March, this exhibition showcases the textile work of 80 female artists responding to their experiences of being a woman!