The International animated shorts programmes celebrate extraordinary animation from around the globe, showcasing a dizzying range of styles, techniques, genres and ideas.
READ MORE2025 will be a big year for Glasgow as we celebrate the city's 850th birthday. It's a milestone and everyone who has or does call Glasgow home is invited to the party!
READ MOREPup Play is hilarious, thoughtful, and unapologetic in-yer-face queer theatre... don't miss it at the Polo Lounge as part of Glasgow Interantional Comedy Festival 2025!
READ MOREKim Carnie Out Loud is both an exploration of the challenges faced by people because of their sexuality and a joyous celebration of being gay.
READ MOREStirling Pride presents Slay, an evening of drag, comedy, music and dancing, with RuPaul’s Drag Race Queens La Voix and Kate Butch joined by Scottish Drag Royalty, Lady Rampant!